New Year, New Look, New(ish) Blog!

Wednesday 4 January 2012
So long 2011! We've changed the look of our blog and opened its scope to all of Special Collections!

As you may have noticed, we’ve changed the layout and style of our blog. We had a great response to the launch of this blog in 2011, and we decided that the opening of the new year was the best time to re-brand Echoes from the Vault. No longer is this just a blog from the Rare Books Collection, this is the blog from the Special Collections of the University of St Andrews.

We hope to bring you a much more varied selection of content in 2012, with contributions from all of our departments (Archives, Photographs and Rare Books) as well as our Reader Services team and volunteers. We’ve also selected a new home page format that will allow readers to see quick snippets of regular blog posts as well as quick “aside” notes for any quick news updates.


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1 thoughts on "New Year, New Look, New(ish) Blog!"

  • Cataloguer’s conundrum: Can anyone tell us what church this is? Is it still extant? « Echoes from the Vault
    Friday 6 January 2012, 11.15am

    [...] which book it was. Based on its success, we are now happy to present the first regular post of the new, rebranded blog, Cataloguer’s conundrum! We plan to use this post to bounce hard-to-identifiy photographs, [...]


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