December 21 – Werewolf

Saturday 21 December 2019
Werewolf in The Red Romance Book, 1905 (Lan PR4876.R4F05)

Werewolves are humans with the ability to change into wolves, voluntarily or not, most often on the night of a full moon.

This illustration, by Henry J Ford, is from the The Red Romance Book (1905) edited by Andrew Lang, poet, novelist, collector of folklore and St Andrews alumnus. The image is from the story, The Disenchantment of the Werwolf, based on the French romance poem Guillaume de Palerme. Having run away from the Emperors’ court, Guillaume and Melior are assisted by Alfonso, who has been changed into a werewolf by his stepmother, shown on the dais in this picture.

1 thoughts on "December 21 – Werewolf"

  • clcouch123
    Saturday 21 December 2019, 8.10pm

    Because timing is everything, the classic movie about werewolves is scheduled to be broadcast tonight on a local station.


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