892 articles found

52 Weeks of Fantastic Bindings: Week 8

Another early St Andrews binding, with manuscript fragments from St Andrews Cathedral Priory St Andrews’ copy of Franz Lambert’s “Exegeseos Francisci Lamberti Avenionensis, in sanctam diui Ioannis Apocalypsim, libri…

52 Weeks of Fantastic Bindings: Week 7

18th century fine Scottish binding with beautiful Dutch gilt papers I have recently been working through some late 18th century Edinburgh imprints, mostly bound in standard commercial calf bindings, so when TypBE.D62BB…

52 Weeks of Fantastic Bindings: Week 6

Two of the earliest St Andrews bindings: The St. Leonard’s Chained Bible and a 1501 copy of Jacques Lefèvre d’Etaples’ commentary on Aristotle This week’s Fantastic Binding is, again, a double bill; only this time we…

52 Weeks of Fantastic Bindings: Week 5

16th century French Fanfare binding This week’s fantastic binding, like Week 2, comes from the Bible collection, only this item is much bigger! St Andrews’ copy of Jean de Tournes 4th printing of La Sainte Bible is…

Code breaking and Sir Walter Raleigh

Last winter I came across a copy of the first edition of Sir Walter Raleigh’s History of the world. This book was published after Raleigh’s first expedition for El Dorado, and after he was arrested for suspected…

52 Weeks of Fantastic Bindings: Week 4

On the trail of the elusive John Murray This weeks fantastic binding is included in this longer post about the search for an unknown former owner, we hope you enjoy! Towards the beginning of my work here at St Andrews…