‘The Usurpers’ by Willa Muir
We recently celebrated the publication of a novel which had waited 70 years to get into print. This is Willa Muir’s ‘new’ novel, The Usurpers. Two typed versions of the manuscript, and a few pages of a handwritten…
We recently celebrated the publication of a novel which had waited 70 years to get into print. This is Willa Muir’s ‘new’ novel, The Usurpers. Two typed versions of the manuscript, and a few pages of a handwritten…
We were delighted to be able to host two events in mid-August to support work by colleagues in the School of Divinity. On Friday 19 August the delegates attending the British New Testament Society Conference in St…
The 150th Open Golf Championship will be held in St Andrews from 14-17 July 2022. To coincide with this event, the University, in conjunction with the local community council, will be holding a special ceremony on the…
On the weekend of 6-8 May the University hosted a Folger Symposium on ‘Reading Scotland before 1707’. This was the culmination of four years of preparation by Professor Margaret Connolly and Professor Rhiannon Purdie,…
In this fourth, and final, instalment showcasing material used in the recent USTC Conference ‘Gender and the Book Trades’, we look at items in our collections which relate to the LGBTQ+ community. Although St Andrews…
We are delighted to support the Virtual Alumni Weekend with a quick glance behind the scenes at the records we hold in the University archive about former students and some of the information that they reveal. All…
In October this year St Andrews holds its 4th annual Photography Festival. Drawing heavily on the University’s teaching and research collections to support the theme of ‘Science & Photography’, the festival highlights…
The School of Art History, SAIMS and the Special Collections Division of the University of St Andrews Library are pleased to announce an upcoming two-day conference on the archive in medieval art and thought.…
As part of the Archives Revealed project “Hidden Burgh: restoring Cupar’s place at the heart of Fife”, we are holding a workshop on researching ancestry in Cupar. It is taking place in the meeting room at Cupar…
We are happy to announce the programme for a one day symposium on the topic of ‘Science and Photography’ on the 23 October 2019. To book your place visit our online shop. We will look at how photographs are used in…